
Bitcoin, abbreviated btc, is a digital currency or a form of digital asset that ranks 1st in the market with a market value of about $796.735 billion. Each unit of Bitcoin is currently traded at the price of 41,938 dollars, including the Tether rate of 25,078 Tomans, equivalent to 1,040,062,400 Tomans, and the volume of daily transactions is 26.544 billion dollars. The price has decreased by -3.806% in the last 24 hours.
Bitcoin is the first digital currency that started the decentralization trend in the post-internet world

Buy and sell Bitcoin at the speed of light
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You can buy and sell your bitcoin safely in the Sattar exchange system. Sattar Exchange is programmed based on the most advanced security systems and is a safe platform for storing digital currencies in Iran. By joining the Sattar exchange system, you can safely buy and sell bitcoins, as well as store bitcoins, and don’t have to worry about losing your valuable assets.
An overview of the history of Bitcoin
Exactly 7 years ago, in 2016, a new currency emerged, which was different from all the common currencies of the world from the very beginning. This currency, which was foreign to the rules of financial markets and seemed to have come to create a new revolution in the world, did not exist in the form of banknotes or coins. This money, whose entire balance was offered in digital form, gained widespread popularity in a short period of time and was able to attract many eyes and captivate many. At that time, it was a question for many, what is this technology and what is the use of this money, and even now, the question is still raised, what was this new money and why has it caused so much controversy to this day? In a word, it can be said that Bitcoin is a virtual currency with which you can buy and sell and make your online orders through it. Also, with the help of Bitcoin, you can trade and buy and sell shares of commercial companies. Bitcoin is created based on computer code and follows unique rules. This digital currency does not follow the rules set by banks or large financial funds, but the specific and specific rules that it has set for itself at the beginning. Bitcoin is actually the first and most well-known digital currency introduced in the world. This very attractive and professional cryptocurrency has unique features and these are the features that make it superior to other digital currencies. Also, the special way of production and pricing that this digital currency has compared to other real money has made this type of currency not suffer from inflation and depreciation. Bitcoin is one of the types of cryptocurrencies or CRYPTOCURRENCY (which means digital currencies) and operates in a decentralized manner on the blockchain network platform. This very professional and attractive currency is obtained in the form of digital codes with very complex mathematical calculations and has its own monetary value, which of course is constantly changing. To extract this cryptocurrency or any other digital currency, special devices are used that have a very high electricity consumption, and for this reason, many countries do not consider their production to be very economical and logical. Among the existing cryptocurrencies, which are about 4 thousand digital currencies, Bitcoin is the first and in fact the most well-known of them, and as we said at the beginning of this section of the large wallet site, it was first introduced in 2008 and after the crisis. The existence of that year was introduced to the world by an unknown person or group named Satoshi Nakamoto with the aim of storing and transferring money safely. It should be noted that the real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is still unclear and unknown. Among the features that made Bitcoin popular is the fact that this digital currency has all the features of real money, such as the ability to buy, profitable and smart investment, value transfer, etc. The difference between Bitcoin and real money is its decentralization. So that this cryptocurrency is not under the supervision of any government or special organization, and as a result, all intermediaries in transactions with this cryptocurrency have been eliminated. Also, on the other hand, due to the use of very complex mathematical processes in mining, Bitcoin and other digital currencies are much safer and more professional than common currencies and have a very high degree of security
Buy and sell Bitcoin at the speed of light
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