Ethereum, abbreviated as eth, is a digital currency or a form of digital asset, with a market capitalization of about $373.526 billion, and is ranked 2nd in the market. Each unit of Bitcoin is currently traded at the price of 3,104 dollars, including the Tether rate of 25,078 Tomans, equivalent to 76,976,224 Tomans, and its daily exchange volume is 16.222 billion dollars. The price has decreased by 0.000% in the last 24 hours.
Ethereum is the second digital currency that started the decentralization trend in the post-internet world.
Buy and sell Ethereum at the speed of light
Buy Ethereum Selling Ethereum (secure + fast + spot price)
You can buy and sell your Ethereum safely in the Sattar exchange system. Sattar Exchange is programmed based on the most advanced security systems and is a safe platform for storing digital currencies in Iran. By joining the Sattar exchange system, you can safely sell and buy Ethereum, as well as store Ethereum, and don’t have to worry about losing your valuable assets.
An overview of Ethereum
The idea of Ethereum was presented by Vitalik Buterin at the end of 2013. Buterin is a cryptocurrency researcher, programmer and co-founder of Bitcoin Magazine. In fact, the idea of Ethereum was first introduced in 2013 in a white paper by Vitalik Buterin with the aim of building decentralized applications.
Vitalik Buterin argued that Bitcoin needed a scripting language to develop applications. After an unsuccessful attempt to forge an agreement, he began developing a new platform with a public scripting language.
The news of the creation of Ethereum was announced in January 2014, at a conference in North America in the city of Miami. Along with this conference, a group of people including “Gavin Wood”, “Charles Hoskinson” and “Anthony Di Iorio” from Toronto rented a house in Miami. These people were the financiers of the project. D’Lorio invited his friend, Joseph Lubin, and Lubin subsequently invited reporter Morgen Peck to witness the proceedings.
Buy and sell Ethereum at the speed of light
Buy Ethereum Selling Ethereum (secure + fast + spot price)